As announced at the Annual Dinner, the Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute (KCALSI) is embarking on a bi-state, regional strategic assessment to identify a shared vision for enhancing the life sciences over the next decade.
After a rigorous evaluation of potential partners to conduct this important work, DeLoitte was unanimously selected by KCALSI’s Board of Directors. The process will actively engage stakeholders and the broader community to build upon past successes, create new opportunities and promote collaboration. The process will leverage existing assets and generate an action plan, including timelines and measurable objectives.
KCALSI’s first strategic planning effort was completed in 2004 and contributed to the remarkable growth in the life sciences over the past ten years. Animal Health and Nutrition was an identified strength and provided the foundation for establishing the Animal Health Corridor. Today the Animal Health Corridor has over 300 companies and represents 56% of worldwide sales totaling $88.2 Billion. Since 2006, 31 companies have located to the Corridor creating 1368 new jobs. The Corridor was a key factor in successfully competing to build the National BioAgro Defense Facility in Manhattan, KS. Other successes in the life sciences, such as the University of Kansas’ awarding of a National Cancer Institute designated cancer center, BioResearch Central, and the rapid growth in medical device companies, can all trace their roots to KCALSI’s 2004 strategic process.
The Deloitte team, led by Shrupti Shah, has deep expertise in life sciences, commercialization, group processes, and guiding strategic planning efforts. “We are initiating this significant effort to help create a shared vision for the next 3, 5 and 10 years. Success is only possible through broad engagement of our stakeholders, corporations and civic community,” said Wayne Carter.