Stowers Research Conferences: Developmental Cell Biology

Wednesday Oct 23 / 12:30 PM (CDT) - Friday Oct 25 / 7:30 PM (CDT)

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Stowers Institute
1000 E 50th St.
Kansas City, MO

Stowers Research Conferences is an innovative meeting series designed to highlight the latest research advances while promoting the career development of future leaders in the field. In addition to poster sessions, invited speakers, and talks selected from abstracts, a distinguishing feature of these meetings is the delivery of “tandem talks,” where mentors and mentees share the stage to communicate their most important discoveries together.

Come explore the latest research in cell, developmental and evolutionary biology. Join leaders in the field as they discuss topics ranging from stem cell biology to tissue regeneration and from the origin of multicellularity to neural crest cell migration. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to engage with colleagues, exchange ideas, and foster collaborations at the forefront of evolutionary developmental biology.

The Developmental Cell Biology conference will span four topical themes with nearly a dozen invited speakers, many talks chosen from abstracts, and poster sessions.


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